“Yr Her Fawr” – The Big Challenge with Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

From Lands End to John O’Groats…

Earlier this year we had the pleasure of welcoming a group of lovely firefighters from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service to 2wish HQ. Training for their epic challenge of cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats, they made a pit stop to pay us a visit.

Several years in the making, this challenge began as an idea before the lockdown in 2020 but, understandably, had to be put on hold. Originally, Cerebral Palsy UK and The Fire Fighters Charity were the charities chosen to be supported with the team’s fundraising efforts, but when one of their own, lost their daughter suddenly in a road traffic accident, it became quickly apparent that they would support 2wish. This was the perfect opportunity for the team to show their gratitude to 2wish for the support given to their colleague and his family, in the wake of their grief.

Overall a team of 10 individuals and 3 support team, travelled down to Cornwall to embark upon their colossal journey. Varying in their abilities, they were all keen sportsmen. Some having taken part in Ironman challenges and triathlons, they were ready for the incredible feat that lay before them.

It just so happened that this was also one of the hottest weeks of the year, and the cyclists would soon find themselves, pedalling over 100 miles in the blistering heat, on their very first day.


As a result of this, it also became apparent just how vital the support team and vehicles were to the success of their ‘Big Challenge’, which translates into Welsh as “Yr Her Fawr”. Driving for almost 12 hrs a day, the support vehicles were responsible for going on ahead to set up refreshments at rest stops, as well as circling back to assist the riders with first aid and bicycle maintenance.


The penultimate day was particularly poignant for the team as it marked 2 years since the passing of their beloved colleague’s daughter, Ella Smith. Ella was tragically killed in a road traffic collision in 2021, aged just 21 years old. Needless to say, the team made the unanimous decision to dedicate their ride, that day, to the memory of Ella. The Smith family’s lives were turned upside down in an instant, and this small gesture was the cyclists’ way of raising awareness for 2wish in honour of Ella’s memory.
We can only imagine how incredible the view must have been, a small peloton of cyclists, riding through the Scottish highlands, decked out in their 2wish cycling jerseys.

challenge completed yr her fawr 2wish

At last count, the team has raised an incredible £15,435 , and rising. There are still plans to raise further funds through auctions and other fundraising events. These funds will be divided equally between their 3 chosen charities.

We’re so incredibly grateful for the funds and awareness raised, as this money is going to make a massive difference to people who find themselves in similar tragic situations such as Ella’s family. Something as simple as a memory box, which costs just £40 to provide, can make the grieving process for a family that little bit more bearable, knowing that they have a connection with their child, despite their loss.

Although, no other plans have been confirmed for future fundraisers, we know that the ‘Her Fawr’ team have lots of brilliant ideas to continue raising funds and awareness, and we cannot wait to see what they come up with next. 2wish will be cheering them on at every milestone. Diolch!

If you’d like to donate towards “Yr Her Fawr”, click HERE.