Elephant Walks 2023

The Elephant Walks have once again proven to be a resounding success this year, with a great turnout for both the West and South walks at Scolton Manor Park in Haverfordwest and Porthkerry Country Park in Barry.

The Meaning Behind the Elephant Walks

A highlight in the 2wish calendar, the Elephant Walks, like our lovable mascot Gorgeous George are a poignant symbol of the two fundamental messages we champion. Firstly, like elephants that never forget, 2wish encourages everyone to preserve the memories of our departed loved ones by openly acknowledging and discussing their lives. Secondly, the metaphor of the “elephant in the room” refers to the hesitancy people often feel to approach the topic of bereavement, it prevents them from consoling friends or relatives out of a nervousness about saying the right thing and navigating the situation correctly. This avoidance can lead to isolation for those who grieve. At 2wish, we address the elephant in the room, striving to normalise conversations surrounding loss and grief.

A Day of Family Fun

Beyond their symbolic significance, the walks offer families an enjoyable day out, with a delightful atmosphere and an array of entertainment. The South Wales Elephant Walk was followed by a picturesque picnic amidst the stunning backdrop of Porthkerry’s scenery. accompanied by music, games and entertainment by Zack Franks Movement and Dance.

Meanwhile, West Wales witnessed a full-day festival, boasting a diverse lineup of acts. From the musical talents of Erin Thomas-Parker, Honeyhead, and percussion ensemble Samba Doc, to captivating dance performances by VIP School of Dance, and a mesmerizing fire display by PFS Entertainment, the event was a true spectacle. Attendees could also indulge in offerings from a licensed bar and explore a variety of vendor stands.

Special Guests to Get Us Underway

We were lucky enough to have special guests who help inaugurate the walks. In Porthkerry, Barry Mayor Cllr Ian, a generous supporter of 2wish among his mayoral charities, shared some words before leading the walkers from the starting line. Likewise, in Scolton Manor, Haverfordwest, FC Manager Tony Pinnock initiated the proceedings with a speech, before waving off the participants as they embarked on the walk.

Made Possible with Sponsors

The success of both walks was made possible through the generous support of sponsors Gordon and Slater, who also attended the events and provided the elephant ears. Little Inspirations played a vital role as well by sponsoring the medals and providing the goodie bags that every child received upon completing the walk.

Excitement is already building for the Elephant Walks 2024, we can’t wait to see you there!

See some of the highlights from our Elephant Walks South here…