Worthington & Jones: Going above and beyond

Worthington & Jones is a family-owned, independent electrical wholesaler in North Wales and Shropshire, working with commercial and domestic customers. With four branches across the region, boasting 50 years of experience in electrical wholesale, Director and Co-Owner Lauren Powell has shown true dedication in building a trusted brand. A trait that Lauren has applied to fundraising for 2wish…

Worthington & Jones and 2wish

Worthington & Jones has generously named 2wish as their charity of the year, a decision close to Lauren’s heart “Over the years there have been lots of people around me who have lost young adults, who would benefit from a charity like 2wish and what they have to offer. There is nothing quite like 2wish and I love the ethos and everything that the charity stands for.” Lauren Explains.

Going Above and Beyond

As well as choosing us as their charity of the year, Lauren will literally be going above and beyond by embarking on the challenge of a lifetime in aid of 2wish… “In September I will be taking on a skydive, so that I can really push myself out of my comfort zone as well as raising as much money as I can for 2wish.

As part of their mission to support our cause, Worthington & Jones have committed to participating in numerous events, including their fantastic work in supporting our recent North Wales Walk, where they provided refreshments as well as participating in the walk itself.

To further help raise awareness, the business has gone as far as to include the 2wish logo on their uniforms across all four branches, proudly displaying their support.

The Importance of Supporting 2wish

To reiterate their passion for this cause Lauren said… “It is important that we support 2wish and families that are going through the worst possible time in their lives. Worthington & Jones want to do everything they can to support 2wish’s mission.”

We’re extremely grateful for the support Lauren and Worthington & Jones continues to offer and we can’t wait to see them at more of our upcoming events around North Wales! If you’d like to get involved, click here to see some of the different ways you can help 2wish.

For more information about Worthington & Jones, visit their website… https://www.worthingtonandjones.com/