2wish Cymru & 2wish: Social Media Update

Expansion Outside of Wales


Alongside our continuing services in Wales, we are extending our support network into England, providing both immediate and ongoing support. We aim to integrate our services in a manner reflective of our established presence in Wales. We will achieve this gradually, starting in boarder counties and expanding further afield as we are able to.

While the void for supporting those impacted by sudden death in children and young people is being addressed in Wales, with continued ongoing improvement, a significant gap still persists in England. It is our long-term goal to ensure that anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person receives the immediate and ongoing support they need.

Social Media for 2wish Cymru & 2wish


As we expand outside of Wales, we will need to adapt our communications, to remain relevant and informative to all areas and audiences. Therefore, we have made some changes to our social media pages, including the launch of new accounts for audiences outside of Wales.

Our pre-existing accounts will now show as 2wish Cymru, while our new pages, dedicated to those outside of Wales will be labelled as 2wish.

What this means going forward is that 2wish Cymru will continue to share information about initiatives and updates in Wales and will fulfil our commitment to providing as much information as possible bilingually. Whereas our new 2wish pages will deliver more news about ongoing developments in England and content more relevant to audiences outside of Wales.

Another key factor is that processes and information following the unexpected death of a child differ in Wales and England, namely the PRUDIC in Wales and CDOP in England. And it is important that information that relates to specific areas are kept separate for clarity.

We invite you to follow both sets of pages and welcome everyone to stay up to date with everything we do across England and Wales. We are simply separating profiles to provide the best and most relevant information for those who need it.

Our social media platforms can be found at the following links:

2wish Cymru


It is a very exciting time at 2wish and we are proud to be able to start providing our support services to more that need them.

social media 2wish england expansion