Memory Boxes

We work with Emergency Departments, Critical Care units, Organ Donation teams and Neo-Natal units across Wales to ensure that every family who lose a child or young adult suddenly and unexpectedly are offered a memory box at the time of death. The plain white memory boxes contain:

  • 2 ‘Gorgeous George’ elephants — elephants never forget. One elephant is to be tucked in with the child/young person and one is to be given to the family.
  • Organza bag – To place a lock of hair
  • Inkless handprint kit – This kit will capture hand, foot or fingerprints without leaving any colour, odour or residue.
  • Candle
  • Tissues
  • Forgot me not seeds
  • Notepaper and pen
  • 2wish star pin-badge

Extra boxes can be requested for other family members. Unless you have lost a child and been faced with mortuaries and undertakers, you can never truly appreciate what a memory box would mean to a bereaved parent.

Every parents experience is different, but some parents never receive a lock of their child’s hair or a copy of their child’s hand and footprints. Having just lost their child, many parents leave the hospital in shock; they can feel very isolated and unsure of where to turn for support. The memory box, along with a supporting information pack that provides practical guidance on ‘what to do when your child has died’ are given to the family in the hours following the death of their child.